lunes, 20 de junio de 2011

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. Some reflection after I watched it.

I agree with many things said by fellow believers on this movie ( But the reviews generally miss one point which is mostly invisible to the average American, who is not acquainted to African/Caribbean witchcraft and magic. For us Christians living in this area dealing and fighting against evil supernatural evil powers is quite common, though they are at work in America as well they are usually denied, because they aren’t so widely spread as actual religions and because of dominant Christian religious beliefs. But this movie does portray aspects of reality regarding factual sorcery practices (just as Harry Potter does) by mingling regular fantasy with devilish work. Voodoo is Not fantasy. It’s quite real and it’s a terrible enemy to Christianity, just check out news on Haiti and evangelicals for instance. We as Christians should be aware of this fact when dealing with Hollywood’s trivialization of witchcraft practices which are becoming a common personal religion among many world leaders.

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